Client Commitments – Detailed
Commitments – New Knowledge and New Behaviors
Review the commitment chart below (detailed version). You will notice that each role has a different set of responsibilities. Please review the items in the column representing your role. NOTE: There is only one Lead role, all other company leaders assume the role of management. Below the table you are asked to acknowledge your understanding and commitment to them.
NEW KNOWLEDGE TO ACQUIRE | Lead | Management | Staff |
Oversight: The highest authority of the business or organization reviews processes, progress, and makes course corrections. The goal of oversight is for he or she to make sure everything on the agenda for the project is occurring and that the information being learned is being integrated into the operations of the business. Oversight is a firm decision to put his or her stake in the ground and hold it there no matter what. | ✓ | ||
Performance Targets: Creating a way to track the progress of targets and successes as outlined in your benchmarking plan. The objective of this is to collect tangible data for sharing and to make informed decisions for next steps and priorities in the change process. | ✓ | ||
Benchmarking: Identifying performance targets and milestones. Tracking empirical data. Reporting data to staff, and ensuing discussion is established around nonROI and ROI measures both. This involves CEO communicating expectations through surveys and tracking, communicating what’s being measured and why. | ✓ | ||
Capacity Building: Understanding how to inspire, ask for and receive commitment. The goal of capacity building is to address natural resistance to change and to build trust and understanding in the process. It means that the CEO and members of the leadership team recognize resistance and have conversations about barriers and how to resolve them. This step can result in dismissal of employees but only after consistent reassurance you want them to stay and support in helping them to get aligned with the chosen path for change. | ✓ | ||
Process/Plan: Leaders understand and communicate the scope of work, timelines, responsibilities, and processes so that these are committed to and communicated fully. The goal of this knowledge is that leaders work with LifeWork Systems recommended processes and plans while choosing nuances most likely to work well for the organization. They also set up schedules based on processes and plan. |
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Roles/Responsibilities: Understanding who does what and when for culture change. The goal is that each person gains an awareness of what is expected of he or she, especially, that which may be new or different. This information helps each understand what is transforming from the old ways into the new. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Purpose: Understanding why we are adopting a responsibility and values-based model. The goal of this is that each person understands the relevance of identifying and sharing their own individual purpose/values/ visions/ goals/procedures/roles | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Culture Model: Understanding what we are transforming from, into, and how to do so. This information helps everyone to hear about and understand contrasts between the new and old models and why the new model has been chosen instead. This allows people to learn about the latest research and best practices on human development, systems, and collaboration. It is also so that each person learns that you value them, respect and encourage them to be powerful and real, and that you will be supporting them to grow and be proactive in managing their relationships, productivity, and engagement. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Training: Understanding types, processes and expectations for multiple training components.
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Mentoring: Understanding the purposes, processes, and frequency of mentoring. This is key so everyone knows the schedule, regularity, and major reasons and components of mentoring. These include (but are not limited to) support, further education, clarification, practice and reinforcement of purpose, responsibility and competency in self and social awareness and managing oneself and relationships. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Commitments: Understanding requirements of time, action, attention, energy, meetings, money, communication, modeling, participation, process development, target milestones, and application. Each person understands expectations in this document and make commitment in the form of a letter of intent outlining their personal, specific reasons for their commitment. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Culture Portal: LifeWork Systems has created a portal so your people can access information, tools and processes all related to your culture model. Leaders should use this for oversight of culture activities and committees. Other leaders should use this to communicate adherence to processes. All staff can use this to conduct mentoring sessions, access tools and templates and share information. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
NEW BEHAVIORS TO ADOPT | Lead | Management | Staff |
Organize: Working with LifeWork Systems to create a plan in order to refine an organization-wide change plan, with clearly defined activities and schedules. Job of the CEO or President. Drive change by understanding the timeline and plan and agreeing to each step within it so they communicate it clearly to all staff. | ✓ | ||
Tracking Targets: Create a way to track the progress of targets and successes as outlined in your benchmarking plan. The objective of this is to collect tangible data for sharing and to make informed decisions for next steps and priorities in the change process |
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Reporting Success: Sharing feedback, changes, progress; recognizing and celebrating successes so that the staff sees the transparency of the CEO and Sr. team and hears what will be done in response to the information discovered. | ✓ | ||
Accountability: Documenting and reporting culture practices completion (are people completing training, taking turns leading groups, being mentored?) | ✓ | ✓ | |
Confront: Having important conversations about commitment and follow through when anyone is resistant to their commitment or is disengaging in the project, through sabotage of any kind. Confront in the spirit of respect and acceptance of the person, but not behavior. Help each person to recognize barriers and lack of commitment and support them to overcome them, sharing desire for them to stay. | ✓ | ✓ | |
Develop Processes: Create new ways to adopt and use processes. Often the organization is not only suffering from poorly defined human system processes but those related to getting, delivering, running and guiding the business. Express the relevance of a systems approach and adopt one organization-wide. | ✓ | ✓ | |
Facilitate: Leading and facilitation of participation, discussion, practicing and committing to new skills and concepts learned through group training and other strategic meetings and communications. This activity can extend to any employee of the organization but is required of all top leaders | ✓ | ✓ | |
Hire/Fire: Deciding new policies based on behaviors aligned with the culture model. Hiring and firing processes reflect the culture model and relevance of it. This includes revising hiring and interviewing processes so the new culture commitments and processes are fully represented. | ✓ | ✓ | |
Master: Gaining proficiency in skills, so you can mentor, teach and lead in all of them until they have become second nature to you over time. The objective of this is two-fold; leaders demonstrate the ability to learn and use the new skills and concepts, and each can answer questions and guide others in their use. | ✓ | ✓ | |
Orientation and Onboarding:
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Commit: Choosing from autonomy, honesty, and accountable alignment and transparency your commitment to the model. All employees, including CEO and Sr. leaders, are required to take this step. Each is requested to write a letter of intent and discuss commitment to the model and processes. Review and overcome barriers. Letters are reviewed when commitments seem to waver, change or drop. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Mentor: Participating in monthly mentoring on skills and responsibilities for a minimum of 30 minutes (this is required). Mentor others (this is optional) There are specific objectives in each mentoring session. All staff are required to understand and closely follow mentoring a process and use as directed, mentoring templates. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Plan: Setting aside time to fulfill all tasks of culture transformation, including pre and post work, review of reports and data, progress and challenges. Includes planning and implementation of new concepts and tools into operations of the business and creating processes for continued improvement for all systems. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Implement: Integrating all new skills and tools into new workplace practices/operations so the entire organization sees recognizable saturation of the model. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Encourage: Supporting one another in creating success and building commitment to the new culture as well as individual goals and aspirations of each person in any way that matters to them. Consciously engaging in new encouragement strategies. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Participate: Attending and contributing fully in all meetings, trainings, and mentoring sessions. Sharing your purpose and values, and working on your blueprint. Becoming both a follower and leader in a dynamic manner as needs arise. Leading group sessions, mentoring with new employees, and being prepared for group and mentoring sessions, as the mentor and mentee. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Complete: Finishing all work assigned, including pre and post work in training. Bringing completed binders to all training and mentoring sessions so conversations are productive. Ongoing development of individual blueprints and mastery of skills. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Resolve: Recognizing and addressing issues, and taking action until fully resolved. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Respect: Always speaking thoughtfully about the model, concepts, tools, and one another. Respect is felt in humanization of one another, and in unconditional acceptance and kindness; when people are more important than beliefs. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Disclose: Sharing feedback, ideas, feelings and opinions in surveys and at meetings so people can see your vulnerability and authenticity. Creating authentic relationships and teamwork and overcoming decisions based in fear. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Lead: Leading group sessions and staff meetings regardless of your title or role. Learning to both lead and follow without puffing up or shrinking. Learning to effectively collaborate and problem solve in cross- and trans-functional teams. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Follow: Committing to leader/follower flexibility and supporting others to be successful when they take the lead. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Describe and Demonstrate: Describing, discussing, and demonstrating key skills, components, blueprints, and tools within the model, including their relevance and applications. Keep all that’s learned front and center in people and practices. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |